音效名 | 内容 |
sndJyi - RDGS_Rea | 护士说:Rea |
sndJyi - RDGS_Dy | 护士说:Dy |
sndJyi - RDGS_Get | 护士说:Get |
sndJyi - RDGS_Set | 护士说:Set |
sndJyi - RDGS_Go | 护士说:Go |
sndJyi - AndStop_And | 护士说:And |
sndJyi - AndStop_And_ver2 | 护士说:And |
sndJyi - AndStop_And_verLong | 护士拖长了说:And |
sndJyi - AndStop_Stop | 护士说:Stop |
sndJyi - AndStop_AndStop | 护士说:And-Stop |
sndJyi - AndStop_AndStop_r2 | 护士说:And-Stop |
sndJyi - AndStop_AndStop_r3 | 护士说:And-Stop |
sndJyi - Ready_breathy | 护士有力地说:Ready |
sndJyi - ChineseCount1 | 护士说:一(最后数字可以改成1~7) |
sndJyi - ChineseCountCalm1 | 护士冷静地说:一(最后数字可以改成1~7) |
sndJyi - ChineseCountTired1 | 护士疲惫地说:一(最后数字可以改成1~7) |
sndJyi - ChineseCountVTired1 | 护士虚脱地说:一(最后数字可以改成1~7) |
sndJyi - CountEnglish1 | 护士说:One(最后数字可以改成1~10) |
sndJyi - JapaneseCount1 | 护士说:イチ(最后数字可以改成1~10) |
sndJyi - RankS | 护士说:S(等级评定,最后字母可以改成A, B, C, D, F,还可以加上+-) |
sndJyi - GoodJob | 护士说:Good Job! |
sndJyi - Watch | 护士说:Watch |
sndJyi - Play | 护士说:Play |
sndJyi - Listen | 护士说:Listen |
sndJyi - Up | 护士说:Up |
sndJyi - Up_2 | 护士说:Up |
sndJyi - Up_3 | 护士说:Up |
sndJyi - Up_4 | 护士说:Up |
sndJyi - UpCalm | 护士冷静地说:Up |
sndJyi - UpCalm_2 | 护士冷静地说:Up |
sndJyi - UpFast | 护士快速地说:Up |
sndJyi - UpFast_2 | 护士快速地说:Up |
sndJyi - down | 护士说:down(注意这里字母d必须是小写) |
sndJyi - Down_2 | 护士说:Down |
sndJyi - Down_falling | 护士高调地说:Down! |
sndJyi - Down_falling_2 | 护士高调地说:Down! |
sndJyi - DownCalm | 护士冷静地说:Down |
sndJyi - DownCalm_2 | 护士冷静地说:Down |
sndJyi - AndSwitch_Switch | 护士说:Switch |
音效名 | 内容 |
sndIan - And | 伊恩说:And |
sndIan - ChineseFang | 伊恩说:放! |
sndIan - ChineseShou | 伊恩说:收! |
sndIan - CountEnglish1 | 伊恩说:One(最后数字可以改成1~10) |
sndIan - CountEnglishCalm1 | 伊恩冷静地说:One(最后数字可以改成1~10) |
sndIan - CountEnglishFast7 | 伊恩快速地说:One(最后数字可以改成1~7) |
sndIan - GoodToGo | 伊恩说:Good to go. |
sndIan - Great | 伊恩说:Great |
sndIan - Heh | 伊恩说:Heh |
sndIan - Hmm | 伊恩说:Hmm |
sndIan - Huh | 伊恩说:Huh |
sndIan - LetsDoThis | 伊恩说:Let's do this |
sndIan - Listen | 伊恩说:Listen |
sndIan - Player1 | 伊恩说:Player1 |
sndIan - Player2 | 伊恩说:Player2 |
sndIan - SadOkay | 伊恩叹气并说:Okay |
sndIan - SighUgh | 伊恩叹气地说:Ugh |
sndIan - ThatsGood | 伊恩说:That's good(怎么感觉有点哲学) |
sndIan - TryAgain | 伊恩说:You want to try that once again? |
sndIan - Uhh | 伊恩说:Uhh |
sndIan - Up | 伊恩说:Up |
sndIan - Watch | 伊恩说:Watch |
sndIan - Well | 伊恩说:Well |
sndIan - What | 伊恩说:What |
sndIan - YourTurn | 伊恩说:One!(和英文报数的1其实是同一个) |
音效名 | 内容 |
sndPoliticianHurryUp0 | 政客说:Oh, come on! Make a move! Hurry up! |
sndPoliticianHurryUp1 | 政客说:You can do it! Come on! Hurry up! |
sndPoliticianHurryUp2 | 政客说:Any time now. Come on! Let’s go! |
sndPoliticianHurryUp3 | 政客说:Make a move already, would you? |
sndPoliticianHurryUp4 | 政客说:Oh, bloody hell. Hurry up already! |
编者注:此处编写来源为 DiscordFunStuff 中更新于 2021.08.10 的 SoundOffsetData.csv,因为此文件中有大量音频已经消失了,所以可以清点一遍
音效名 | 内容 |
sndRankAppear | ??? |
sndMistakeBig | |
sndMistakeSmall | |
sndMistakeSmall2 | |
sndMistakeSmall3 | |
sndBossVirusDie | |
sndBossDisappear | |
sndDrumroll | |
sndScribble | |
sndKick | |
sndKickEcho | |
sndClapHit | |
sndReverbClap | |
sndClapHitP2 | |
sndClapHitMassivePreEcho | |
sndClapHitMassivePreEchoCut1 | |
sndClapHitMassivePreEchoCut2 | |
sndClapHitEcho | |
sndBassExp | |
sndBassExplosionR | |
sndBassExplosionL | |
sndExplodeNew1 | |
sndExplodeNewv1_1 | |
sndExplodeNew2 | |
sndExplodeNewv1_2 | |
sndExplodeNew3 | |
sndExplodeNewv1_3 | |
sndJyiGet | |
sndJyiSet | |
sndJyiGo | |
sndJyiReady | |
sndJyiRea | |
sndJyiDy | |
sndJyiAnd | |
sndJyiStop | |
sndCount1 | |
sndCount2 | |
sndCount3 | |
sndCount4 | |
sndCount5 | |
sndCount6 | |
sndCount7 | |
sndSizzle | |
sndClickLow | |
sndClickMid | |
sndClickHi | |
sndShaker | |
sndShakerHi | |
sndStick | |
sndTypewriter | |
sndRide1 | |
sndRide2 | |
sndChuck | |
sndHammer | |
sndClosedHat | |
sndPunch | |
sndTaikoRim | |
sndTsuzumi | |
sndTaikoOpen | |
sndDjembeSlap | |
sndUdu | |
sndSteinway | |
sndOrientalTechno | |
sndOrientalTechnodown | |
sndOrientalDubstep | |
sndTutorialNoPrebar | |
sndLesMisBar1 | |
sndLesMisBar39 | |
sndUnreachable | |
sndBarbra | |
sndTutorial | |
sndBarbraC | |
sndIntimate | |
sndSupraventricular88 | |
sndLounge | |
sndMurmurs | |
sndSteinway | |
sndOrientalInsomniac1 | |
sndOrientalInsomniac2 | |
sndOrientalInsomniac3 | |
sndOrientalInsomniacHardRep | |
sndGreenlightInsomniac | |
sndOrientalInsomniacHardNoRep | |
snd8DelayPart1 | |
snd8DelayPart2Easy | |
snd8DelayPart2Hard | |
sndPower | |
sndIntro2 | |
sndLeanOn | |
sndStarboy | |
sndOpeningCredits | |
gongxirag2 | |
boss2_ez | |
boss2ez_booth.ogg | |
sndOrientalInsomniac | |
sndOrientalInsomniac1 | |
sndOrientalInsomniac2 | |
sndOrientalInsomniacHardRepOld | |
sndUnreachableOri | |
Buzzer | |
DeepWobble | |
bassdrum2 | |
note | |
osc1 | |
osc2 | |
sndApplause | |
sndBassDrum | |
sndBeepHigh | |
sndBeepLow | |
sndBossStageText | |
sndBwaah | |
sndCalibrationBeep | |
sndChargedLaser | |
sndClap2 | |
sndClap3 | |
sndClapHitMassivePreecho | |
sndClapHitMassivePreechoCut1 | |
sndClapHitMassivePreechoCut2 | |
sndClapHitPreEcho | |
sndClaves | |
sndCoplandDrum | |
sndCorridorScroll | |
sndCount8 | |
sndCrowdCheer | |
sndCymbalSwish | |
sndEchoClap | |
sndEchoClapold | |
sndExplodeNewv2_2 | |
sndExplodeNewv2_3 | |
sndFrog | |
sndGlockE | |
sndHammerold | |
sndIntro | |
sndKickEcho2 | |
sndKickMassive | |
sndKickTest | |
sndKickTest2 | |
sndKnuckles | |
sndLowHealthDA | |
sndMelonMorse | |
sndMenuButtonPush | |
sndMenuButtonPush2 | |
sndMenuButtonpush2 | |
sndMenuPop | |
sndMenuPop2 | |
sndMenuPopPrev | |
sndMenuSelect | |
sndMenuSelectunedit | |
sndMenuSquelch | |
sndMissBig | |
sndMissSmall | |
sndNoise | |
sndNoiseMed | |
sndOah | |
sndPing | |
sndPoliticianHurryUp0 | |
sndPoliticianHurryUp1 | |
sndPoliticianHurryUp2 | |
sndPoliticianHurryUp3 | |
sndPoliticianHurryUp4 | |
sndRankAppear | |
sndRide3 | |
sndScribble | |
sndShakerEgg | |
sndShakerEggHi | |
sndShock | |
sndSnap | |
sndSquare | |
sndSquare1 | |
sndSquare2 | |
sndSquare3 | |
sndSquare4 | |
sndSwitch | |
sndTapeSnare | |
sndTapeSnarePreEcho | |
sndWoodblockLong | |
sndWoodblockShort | |
sndLowHealthEB | |
sndClickEcho | |
sndLowHealthB | |
sndLowHealthCG | |
sndLowHealthCSharpA | |
sndLowHealthE | |
sndNone | |
sndIan - And | |
sndIan - And_v2 | |
sndIan - ChineseFang | |
sndIan - ChineseShou | |
sndIan - Count1 | |
sndIan - Count2 | |
sndIan - Count3 | |
sndIan - Count4 | |
sndIan - Count5 | |
sndIan - Count6 | |
sndIan - Count7 | |
sndIan - CountCalm1 | |
sndIan - CountCalm2 | |
sndIan - CountCalm3 | |
sndIan - CountCalm4 | |
sndIan - CountCalm5 | |
sndIan - CountCalm6 | |
sndIan - CountCalm7 | |
sndIan - CountEnglish1 | |
sndIan - CountEnglish10 | |
sndIan - CountEnglish2 | |
sndIan - CountEnglish3 | |
sndIan - CountEnglish4 | |
sndIan - CountEnglish5 | |
sndIan - CountEnglish6 | |
sndIan - CountEnglish7 | |
sndIan - CountEnglish8 | |
sndIan - CountEnglish9 | |
sndIan - CountEnglishCalm1 | |
sndIan - CountEnglishCalm10 | |
sndIan - CountEnglishCalm2 | |
sndIan - CountEnglishCalm3 | |
sndIan - CountEnglishCalm4 | |
sndIan - CountEnglishCalm5 | |
sndIan - CountEnglishCalm6 | |
sndIan - CountEnglishCalm7 | |
sndIan - CountEnglishCalm8 | |
sndIan - CountEnglishCalm9 | |
sndIan - CountEnglishFast1 | |
sndIan - CountEnglishFast2 | |
sndIan - CountEnglishFast3 | |
sndIan - CountEnglishFast4 | |
sndIan - CountEnglishFast5 | |
sndIan - CountEnglishFast6 | |
sndIan - CountEnglishFast7 | |
sndIan - CountFast1 | |
sndIan - CountFast2 | |
sndIan - CountFast3 | |
sndIan - CountFast4 | |
sndIan - CountFast5 | |
sndIan - CountFast6 | |
sndIan - CountFast7 | |
sndIan - CountSlow1 | |
sndIan - CountSlow2 | |
sndIan - CountSlow3 | |
sndIan - CountSlow4 | |
sndIan - CountSlow5 | |
sndIan - CountSlow6 | |
sndIan - CountSlow7 | |
sndIan - CountSlower1 | |
sndIan - CountSlower2 | |
sndIan - CountSlower3 | |
sndIan - CountSlower4 | |
sndIan - CountSlower5 | |
sndIan - CountSlower6 | |
sndIan - CountSlower7 | |
sndIan - FastAnd | |
sndIan - FastKay | |
sndIan - FastO | |
sndIan - FastSwitch | |
sndIan - GoodToGo | |
sndIan - Great | |
sndIan - Great2 | |
sndIan - Great3 | |
sndIan - Heh | |
sndIan - Hmm | |
sndIan - Huh | |
sndIan - kay | |
sndIan - LetsDoThis | |
sndIan - Listen | |
sndIan - O | |
sndIan - OneshotCalmDy | |
sndIan - OneshotCalmGet | |
sndIan - OneshotCalmGo | |
sndIan - OneshotCalmRea | |
sndIan - OneshotCalmSet | |
sndIan - OneshotNormalDy | |
sndIan - OneshotNormalGet | |
sndIan - OneshotNormalGo | |
sndIan - OneshotNormalRea | |
sndIan - OneshotNormalSet | |
sndIan - OneshotSlowDy | |
sndIan - OneshotSlowGet | |
sndIan - OneshotSlowGo | |
sndIan - OneshotSlowRea | |
sndIan - OneshotSlowSet | |
sndIan - Player1 | |
sndIan - Player2 | |
sndIan - SadOkay | |
sndIan - SighUgh | |
sndIan - Stop | |
sndIan - Switch | |
sndIan - ThatsGood | |
sndIan - TryAgain | |
sndIan - Uhh | |
sndIan - Up | |
sndIan - Watch | |
sndIan - Well | |
sndIan - What | |
sndIan - YourTurn | |
sndJyiDouble | |
sndJyiEnglish1 | |
sndJyiEnglish10 | |
sndJyiEnglish2 | |
sndJyiEnglish3 | |
sndJyiEnglish4 | |
sndJyiEnglish5 | |
sndJyiEnglish6 | |
sndJyiEnglish7 | |
sndJyiEnglish8 | |
sndJyiEnglish9 | |
sndJyiGet_v2 | |
sndJyiGo_v3 | |
sndJyiTime | |
sndJyiTime_v2 | |
sndJyi - AndStop_And | |
sndJyi - AndStop_AndLong | |
sndJyi - AndStop_AndStop | |
sndJyi - AndStop_AndStop_2 | |
sndJyi - AndStop_AndStop_3 | |
sndJyi - AndStop_And_2 | |
sndJyi - AndStop_Stop | |
sndJyi - AndSwitch_AndSwitch | |
sndJyi - AndSwitch_AndSwitch_2 | |
sndJyi - AndSwitch_AndSwitch_3 | |
sndJyi - AndSwitch_Switch | |
sndJyi - ChineseCountCalm1 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCountCalm2 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCountCalm3 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCountCalm4 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCountCalm5 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCountCalm6 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCountCalm7 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCountTired0 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCountTired1 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCountTired2 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCountTired3 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCountTired4 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCountTired5 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCountTired6 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCountTired7 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCountVTired0 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCountVTired1 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCountVTired2 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCountVTired3 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCountVTired4 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCountVTired5 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCountVTired6 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCountVTired7 | |
sndJyi - CountEnglish1 | |
sndJyi - CountEnglish10 | |
sndJyi - CountEnglish2 | |
sndJyi - CountEnglish3 | |
sndJyi - CountEnglish4 | |
sndJyi - CountEnglish4_2 | |
sndJyi - CountEnglish5 | |
sndJyi - CountEnglish6 | |
sndJyi - CountEnglish7 | |
sndJyi - CountEnglish8 | |
sndJyi - CountEnglish9 | |
sndJyi - DownCalm | |
sndJyi - DownCalm_2 | |
sndJyi - DownFast | |
sndJyi - Down_2 | |
sndJyi - Down_falling | |
sndJyi - Down_falling_2 | |
sndJyi - GoodJob | |
sndJyi - GoodJob_2 | |
sndJyi - JapaneseCount1 | |
sndJyi - JapaneseCount10 | |
sndJyi - JapaneseCount2 | |
sndJyi - JapaneseCount3 | |
sndJyi - JapaneseCount4 | |
sndJyi - JapaneseCount5 | |
sndJyi - JapaneseCount6 | |
sndJyi - JapaneseCount7 | |
sndJyi - JapaneseCount8 | |
sndJyi - JapaneseCount9 | |
sndJyi - Listen | |
sndJyi - ListenSlow | |
sndJyi - ListenSlow_2 | |
sndJyi - Play | |
sndJyi - RDDT_Double | |
sndJyi - RDDT_Double_2 | |
sndJyi - RDDT_Dy | |
sndJyi - RDDT_Dy_2 | |
sndJyi - RDDT_Go | |
sndJyi - RDDT_Go_2 | |
sndJyi - RDDT_Go_3 | |
sndJyi - RDDT_Rea | |
sndJyi - RDDT_Rea_2 | |
sndJyi - RDDT_Time | |
sndJyi - RDDT_Time_2 | |
sndJyi - RDGS_Tired_Dy | |
sndJyi - RDGS_Tired_Get | |
sndJyi - RDGS_Tired_Go | |
sndJyi - RDGS_Tired_Rea | |
sndJyi - RDGS_Tired_Set | |
sndJyi - RankA | |
sndJyi - RankB | |
sndJyi - RankC | |
sndJyi - RankD | |
sndJyi - RankF | |
sndJyi - RankS | |
sndJyi - RankSPlus | |
sndJyi - Ready_breathy | |
sndJyi - Up | |
sndJyi - UpCalm | |
sndJyi - UpCalm_2 | |
sndJyi - UpFast | |
sndJyi - UpFast_2 | |
sndJyi - Up_2 | |
sndJyi - Up_3 | |
sndJyi - Up_4 | |
sndJyi - Watch | |
sndJyi - Watch_2 | |
sndJyi - down | |
sndClosedHatRoland | |
sndClosedHatRoland2 | |
sndOpenHatRoland | |
sndOpenHatRoland2 | |
sndSnareRoland | |
sndIan - AndStop_Stop | |
sndIan - ChineseCount1 | |
sndIan - ChineseCount2 | |
sndIan - ChineseCount3 | |
sndIan - ChineseCount4 | |
sndIan - ChineseCount5 | |
sndIan - ChineseCount6 | |
sndIan - ChineseCount7 | |
sndIan - ChineseCountCalm1 | |
sndIan - ChineseCountCalm2 | |
sndIan - ChineseCountCalm3 | |
sndIan - ChineseCountCalm4 | |
sndIan - ChineseCountCalm5 | |
sndIan - ChineseCountCalm6 | |
sndIan - ChineseCountCalm7 | |
sndIan - ChineseCountFast1 | |
sndIan - ChineseCountFast2 | |
sndIan - ChineseCountFast3 | |
sndIan - ChineseCountFast4 | |
sndIan - ChineseCountFast5 | |
sndIan - ChineseCountFast6 | |
sndIan - ChineseCountFast7 | |
sndIan - ChineseCountSlow1 | |
sndIan - ChineseCountSlow2 | |
sndIan - ChineseCountSlow3 | |
sndIan - ChineseCountSlow4 | |
sndIan - ChineseCountSlow5 | |
sndIan - ChineseCountSlow6 | |
sndIan - ChineseCountSlow7 | |
sndIan - OKAS_Fast_And | |
sndIan - OKAS_Fast_Kay | |
sndIan - OKAS_Fast_O | |
sndIan - OKAS_Fast_Switch | |
sndIan - OKAS_kay | |
sndIan - OKAS_O | |
sndIan - OKAS_Switch | |
sndIan - RDGS_Calm_Dy | |
sndIan - RDGS_Calm_Get | |
sndIan - RDGS_Calm_Go | |
sndIan - RDGS_Calm_Rea | |
sndIan - RDGS_Calm_Set | |
sndIan - RDGS_Dy | |
sndIan - RDGS_Get | |
sndIan - RDGS_Go | |
sndIan - RDGS_Rea | |
sndIan - RDGS_Set | |
sndIan - RDGS_Slow_Go | |
sndJyi - ChineseCount1 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCount2 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCount3 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCount4 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCount5 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCount6 | |
sndJyi - ChineseCount7 | |
sndJyi - AndStop_AndStop_r2 | |
sndJyi - AndStop_AndStop_r3 | |
sndJyi - AndStop_And_v2 | |
sndJyi - AndStop_And_vLong | |
sndJyi - RDGS_Dy | |
sndJyi - RDGS_Get | |
sndJyi - RDGS_Get_v2 | |
sndJyi - RDGS_Go | |
sndJyi - RDGS_Go_v2 | |
sndJyi - RDGS_Rea | |
sndJyi - RDGS_Ready | |
sndJyi - RDGS_Set | |
sndJyi - RDGS_Dy_verTired | |
sndJyi - RDGS_Get_verTired | |
sndJyi - RDGS_Go_verTired | |
sndJyi - RDGS_Rea_verTired | |
sndJyi - RDGS_Set_verTired | |
sndJyi - RDDT_Double_r2 | |
sndJyi - RDDT_Dy_r2 | |
sndJyi - RDDT_Go_r2 | |
sndJyi - RDDT_Go_r3 | |
sndJyi - RDDT_Rea_r2 | |
sndJyi - RDDT_Time_r2 | |
old_sndJyiAnd | |
old_sndJyiDy | |
old_sndJyiEnglish1 | |
old_sndJyiEnglish10 | |
old_sndJyiEnglish2 | |
old_sndJyiEnglish3 | |
old_sndJyiEnglish4 | |
old_sndJyiEnglish5 | |
old_sndJyiEnglish6 | |
old_sndJyiEnglish7 | |
old_sndJyiEnglish8 | |
old_sndJyiEnglish9 | |
old_sndJyiGet | |
old_sndJyiGo | |
old_sndJyiRea | |
old_sndJyiSet | |
sndJyi - AndStop_And_ver2 | |
sndJyi - AndStop_And_verLong | |
sndJyi - RDGS_Get_ver2 | |
sndJyi - RDGS_Go_ver2 | |
sndIan - Great_ver2 | |
sndIan - Great_ver3 | |
sndIan - RDGS_Dy_verCalm | |
sndIan - RDGS_Get_verCalm | |
sndIan - RDGS_Go_verCalm | |
sndIan - RDGS_Rea_verCalm | |
sndIan - RDGS_Set_verCalm | |
sndIan - RDGS_Go_verSlow | |
sndTutorialold | |
sndIan - And_ver2 | |
sndTutorialNoPrebar_old | |
sndKickCrisp | |
sndKickShort |
音效名 | 内容 | BPM |
sndIntro2 | 菜单界面 | 82 |
sndTutorial | 教程音乐,普通七拍子 | 88 |
sndTutorialSynth | 教程音乐,普通二拍子 | 88 |
sndTutorialTriplet | 教程音乐,摇摆二拍子 | 88 |
sndTutorialFunk_Straight | 教程音乐,摇摆七拍子 | 88 |
sndTutorialFunk_StraightBassless | 教程音乐,摇摆七拍子移除贝斯 | 88 |
sndTutorialFunk_Skip | 教程音乐,带× 二拍子
88 |
sndOrientalTechno | 1-1 东方电舞曲
100 |
sndOrientalDubstep | 1-1N 东方回响贝斯
130 |
sndIntimate | 1-2 亲密
90 |
sndOrientalInsomniac | 1-X 东方不眠夜
180 |
sndOrientalInsomniacHardRep | 1-XN 超东方不眠夜
160>180 |
sndGreenlightInsomniac | 预告片里的不眠夜版本 | 180? |
sndSupraventricular88 | 2-2 室上性心动过速
88 |
sndTutorialBeans | 2-B1 武士跳豆子
110 |
sndLounge | 3-1N 休息室
75 |
sndBarbra | 3-2 典雅
115 |
sndBarbraC | 官方的自制关,暂停一拍的典雅 | 129.97 |
sndLesMisBar1 | 3-X 轮班之歌
100 |
sndSteinway | 4-3 斯坦威
80 |
sndOsmBluesRadio | 夜间的病房内过剧情 | 98? |
SoftPianoIntimate | 第一章末尾的过剧情 | 88 |
sndMurmurs | 不知道 | |
sndSanHolo | 不知道 |